The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

Tips 12

1. Don’t do bad days

bad days

It’s easy to wake up and have a great day when everything is going according to plan. Yet the truth is that doesn’t happen on most days. As an entrepreneur you will have very tough challenges and hurdles to face on your journey.

However, if you can choose to not let a bad issue create a bad day, you’ll create a better life and business as a result. Take issues into perspective and make sure it doesn’t influence other aspects of your life and work.

A habit to help you manage this is to turn to appreciation. In times of stress, think about what you can appreciate so that you can avoid one bad issue turning into a bad day!

2. Be active in the morning

Did you know that on average business owners wake up between 5am to 6am? This is because they have to prioritise themselves and their health. What most of them do straight away, is move their body. It could be going to the gym, going for a run or a walk outside.

The priority for you is to be active and exercise in the morning. Very often when business issues arise, you may not have time in the afternoon or evening. By exercising early on, it will allow you to get off to a great start to your day.

3. Create a system for your time

As a business owner, you not only have to manage business, but also your personal and family life. All these areas require time, so being able to time block and plan is of paramount importance.

In order for you to not be stressed and overwhelmed, a system for time is a must. Whether it is time blocking, the pomodoro technique or repeating tasks in your calendar, be sure to find a system that works for you consistently. If you are feeling overwhelmed with time, make sure to download the 5 hacks to overcome overwhelm

4. Read a book a week

CEOs keep their mind healthy by constantly absorbing new information and learning in their field. On average CEOs read 1 book a week. You may say this is excessive.

Yet, if you think about the amount of different departments a business owner has to manage, doesn’t it make sense to read a book from different experts to help make more informed decisions? Of course it does!

One of the best ways business owners do this is by listening to books or speed-reading books. If you aren’t doing either of these, now is the time to start! I recommend learning to listen at 2-3 x speed to help you absorb information in a more efficient way.

5. Healthy smoothies

Many business owners don’t have time to cook in their day because of their lifestyle, so one of the habits they often adopt is drinking healthy smoothies.

This is a great way for you to gain lots of nutrients very quickly. Many of the business owners I work with choose to have one meal a day as a shake to enable them to be fueled and maintain concentration without having to sit down for half an hour to eat.

6. Hydrate

This applies to everyone. Did you know that most people are dehydrated throughout the day? Yes that’s correct most people drink far less than they need to be functioning optimally.

To keep healthy as a business owner, you’ll need to be drinking water regularly throughout the day, every 15 minutes is ideal. This is to make sure that your brain is working at optimal levels in all the meetings and tasks you have in the day.

7. Consistently move

Since business owners have many meetings, you would think they would be sitting in a room the entire day right? Actually this is not the case. It’s of paramount importance to be active so that your body doesn’t ache and you don’t lose focus in the day.

The most healthy business owners actually move throughout their whole day. You can do this through walking meetings, walking around at lunch or even just a 5 minute walk through the office.

One of the best ways to gain steps in the day is to walk around a room, on any zoom call you are part of. Make sure that your video is turned off as you do this though!

8. Stress management techniques


For any business there are always going to be times where you can feel stressed. Those that are aware of this stress and how to manage it, have a much better life than those that don’t.

Be it meditating, taking a walk in nature, unwinding at the end of the day, speaking to mentors, brainstorming in a mastermind …etc. Every single business owner I work with that creates this balance at work has found a way to distress himself or herself, so that they aren’t overwhelmed by their work.

This is something that is a must.. If you’re having trouble managing stress check out this article: 7 ways to quickly reduce stress and anxiety

9. Create a great evening routine

Business owners are aware that you have to get enough sleep. Of course there will be times where they get less as they run large businesses. However, what is important to them is that they have a routine that helps reset them each day.

This has to include getting to bed at roughly the same time each day, unwinding and planning the next day. This will allow you to consistently reset so that you can serve better in your business each day.

10. Celebrate your successes

It’s easy as entrepreneur’s to forget about how much you have accomplished. You’re doing so much and are so focused on the vision in the future that it’s easy to miss the successes that you are having along the way.

You must choose to acknowledge all the mini successes that you have to help give you the motivation and inspiration to accomplish your future goals. One of the best ways to do this is to write down 3 wins at the end of each day!

Want some more healthy habits on your journey? Join the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator

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