The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

If I could design a life that is extraordinary what would I be doing?

Here you’re looking into opportunities to take your life in a new direction, or up to a higher level.

Most people settle for an average life, instead of striving for an extraordinary one. Let me ask you: are you an average human being?

If the answer is no, why would you settle for an average life?

It’s time to start designing your life in a way that excites you. Spend some time answering this question and watch as the magic of your imagination unfolds.

What can I always be grateful for in life?

Next look into bringing more gratitude into your life, which will make you feel more abundant.

If you’ve hit a big hurdle, it’s easy to feel like you’ve lost incredibly important elements in your life. Instead, I want you to start to think of the things that you can truly be grateful for in your life; that are almost always there.

For example: oxygen, transportation, clean water, your eyes to see, your hands to touch, your legs so you can move about in the day. If you can start to switch your mind and think like this each day, it will put you in a better position to start to live an even more abundant life than before you went through this challenging period.

What have I learnt and what will I do differently from now on?

This 2 part question is fantastic because it not only gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you have done so far. (Very often in life we forget how important it is to reflect on our mistakes.) By asking this you can spend some time digging at the life lessons that you’ve received.

Reflecting is one thing, yet what will you do differently from now on? This second step is where the rubber hits the road. For example I was aware that I burnt out and was low on energy, yet it took months before I did anything about it.

Imagine if you could adapt to circumstances now so the same mistakes didn’t occur again or were very unlikely occur? This is where true transformation takes place.

If I died tomorrow what regrets would I have?

Life has no meaning except the meaning that you give it.

Death helps put life into perspective. You know that you’ll die at some point in the future. Despite this being a morbid outlook it can actually help you live more in the present.

This is where you can start to think about what you want to do in your life and how you want to be each day.

If you only had a week left to live I’m sure you would be acting slightly different than you are at present.

I highly doubt you would be as stressed but instead really put things into perspective. So dive into this question and start to work out what are the MUSTS for you to do in your life.

What are my next steps?

It’s all good and well planning. However, if we can’t chunk it down to the steps that you need to do now, to start moving, then your time reading this was useless.

This is where you may move into analysis paralysis. You want to create changes but don’t know where to start. I want you to think of at least 3 steps, one of which you must take now, in order to start making progress towards making this new life a reality.

These actions will solidify everything that you’ve done throughout the previous questions and you’ll start to be on a success cycle.

Once again make sure that you implement and do these, otherwise they’re another idea that will be useless to you.

Knowledge is potential power. It’s time to use that power and make it happen!

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