The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

1. Make less decisions

You are constantly making decisions in the day; from the moment you get up to the moment you go to sleep. You want to make sure you don’t waste energy making decisions that don’t matter to your business.

Steve jobs as an example wore the same clothes each day so he didn’t have to think about what to wear. Something to think about! Where in your day do you currently waste time, energy and focus making decisions that don’t matter?

You can make less decisions on the smaller things in life. This gives you a greater capacity to deal with larger decisions in your organisation.

2. Drink more water

Dehydration by as little as 2% negatively affects you performance. Water losses exceeding 5% of body weight can decrease the work capacity by about 30%! Something to think about for your team!

his means we must remain hydrated during the day to operate at optimal levels of energy.

Drink at least 1 litre for every 50 pounds you everyday. Thus if you are 150 pounds you need at least 3 litres of water a day.

You may feel like you need to go to the toilet more, but don’t worry your tolerance will increase over time! For now make sure you hit your daily intake to enable you to work at peak performance.

3. Exercise in the morning

You may believe that work is more important than exercise, if this is you then there may be something you don’t know…

Exercise stimulates different parts of your brain to give you more brainpower. It also gives you a boost of energy to complete your day more easily.

This exercise can be running, swimming or going to the gym. It can be any way in which you are moving your body as opposed to sitting all day.

If you want to maintain energy throughout the day. You want to do atleast 15 minutes of exercise, which will give you the energy boost you need.

You may believe you have no time for exercise as you are too busy. If you want to maintain energy in the day, exercising needs to become a priority in your life. We all have the same 24 hours in the day, it’s time to start prioritising yours.

4. Break your day into manageable pieces

You want to complete as many tasks as you can in the day. But, if you do tasks back to back throughout the day you will feel overwhelmed.

If you don’t give yourself time off, then you can’t react to new challenges. You won’t have the space to reset before taking on a new task.

It is important to space your day out to give yourself many breaks. Most entrepreneurs aim from 5 – 30 minute slots to give themselves the space they need.

This will help you focus more on the task you are doing. You will be more efficient by taking breaks, and complete tasks faster as a result.

5. Eat alkaline food (not the food you think is healthy)

You want to have 80% alkaline food and 20% acid food to keep your blood slightly alkaline.

This means you want to aim to have fruits and vegetables as 70% of your diet! Remember that these foods are alive as opposed to most dead food that you may often consume.

By having alkaline blood your cells will have much more energy as they aren’t clumping together.

Do you have headaches after eating food? Or you wonder why your energy dips in the afternoon? Paying attention to this will help you easily overcome these issues.

6. Remove body pain

To have energy throughout the day you MUST make sure you aren’t in body pain.

You may experience pain during the day due to lack of healthy living habits.

To remove this body pain, work with a specialist who can help you realign your body.

A misaligned business cannot function optimally. If you want to be optimal day to day, your body must be in alignment. This helps you focus on your own business without pain as a distraction.

7. Delegate energy draining tasks

There are some tasks that people love such as accounting. Yet, for some entrepreneurs this is their worst enemy. Even thinking about accounting causing them to feel overwhelmed.

Think about all the tasks that you do, that drain you of energy.
You want to delegate as many of these energy draining tasks as possible. Think who you could give that tasks to, who can still complete the tasks at a high level.

By freeing up your own time of these energy draining tasks. It allows you to focus on the tasks that make a bigger difference to your business.

You may have done this so far, but it doesn’t mean you have to continue to do it forever. Delegate those tasks today!

8. Efficient sleep

You don’t need to have 8-9 hours of sleep per night

What you do need is to have efficient sleep each night so you are working at an optimal level. It also allows you to be in a better mood and have a higher tolerance for issues that arise in the office.

Efficient sleep will do more for your health and energy than almost anything else.

The question is: how can you get more efficient sleep?

There are many keys to having better sleep. To learn more about your sleep we recommend buying a smart watch or oura ring. This will give you much more data to help you optimise your sleep over time.

If you enjoyed these tips, then you will love our Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator. Our 5th module helps you have an abundance of energy every single day! If you are curious to see how we help you do this, then check out: The Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator

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