The Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting

Have you ever wondered what differentiates an average entrepreneur from successful ones?

It is not luck, intelligence, industry or even location!

There is one clear distinction that differentiates these people and it is:

Their identity.

Now what on earth do I mean by this, well let’s break it down. When I ask the question who are you? How would you answer?

I challenge you to write down what comes to your mind right now.

After you have done this you may notice the following pattern.

Everything you have written down is what you are right now.

You have not written what you must become in the future to build the successful business you desire.

This is very common. Most entrepreneurs believe they must achieve success to be successful business owner.

You may say this is true, yet this is the biggest block that is preventing exponential success. You believe you have to do a certain thing, to be a certain way.

You need to achieve lots of profit then you are successful.

You need to hire lots of people then you are successful manager.

You need to have a million dollar net worth to be a millionaire.

Yet the entrepreneurs who have exponential success do something different.

What they do instead is define who they must become in the future, and then they become that person right now.

For example, to build a successful business. You may believe you must become focused, disciplined and an inspiring leader.

That is true, if you had a successful business I am sure you would be those things.

But, what would happen if you choose to be those things right now? You will operate at a whole different level. Your mindset as an entrepreneur will have shifted.

Once you make this shift, your business will move forward in a different way. This is the key principle that many entrepreneurs miss out on.

You may be wondering how to make the shift?

That is exactly what we do in the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Accelerator.

In 6 months you learn to become an entrepreneur who can build a sustainable business. At the same time you live an extra-ordinary lifestyle.

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